Posts Tagged ‘ acegi ’

Flex with Java Collaborative using the Best Architectures of Both

This Post was my overdue subject, I wanted to help with a sample Application using Cairngorm, Spring BlazeDS Integration & Generic DAO.

This might be a heavy subject as it deals with many subjects:

The Source is available at the link: cairnspring

How to use the source effectively?
it is simple, steps below:

  1. Download, Source and Libs
  2. Unzip both and import “CairnSpring”, to your Eclipse
  3. Paste the lib files to “CairnSpring\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib” folder
  4. Import the “db.sql” into your MySQL Db, (change mysql port to 3036, else can be configured to default in “CairnSpring\WebContent\WEB-INF\config\” file)
  5. In Eclipse, Window -> Preferences -> Web and XML -> XML Catalog -> Add User Specified Entries with below values
    Location : CairnSpring/WebContent/WEB-INF/config/spring-flex-1.0.xsd
    KeyType : Namespace Name
    Key :
  6. Start the Tomcat Server with CairnSpring instance (the server host and port can be configured in file “CairnSpring\flex_src\”)